Thanks to the insightful Herbie Huff of Meek Adjustments (lots of very nice writing there) for the location request.
This corner of Macarthur Park embodies that classic Los Angeles paradox: you've got these gorgeous historical buildings that have all but turned their backs to streets below, whose pedestrians have been driven away by the nonstop exhaust + dirt of traffic. Despite their civic expressiveness, they have no real function beyond providing weekday office space. What's left is a prop cityscape that looks like a hotspot of commerce but is in reality a series of long dead zones, an illusion that reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where a couple discovers they're trapped in the empty dummy-world dollhouse. It's a shame, because there is real grandeur here, and real community, too — the two just haven't been integrated properly into what could be a kind of Rockerfeller Square for LA. See it narrowed!
Diptych prints available