Sunday, November 29, 2009

respect: cicLAvia

There's a spiffy article at LA Times covering the nascent effort to bring "cicLAvias" to Los Angeles, a concept inspired by Bogota, Colombia's ciclovias in which streets are closed on Sundays + holidays to allow cyclists, skaters, joggers, and pedestrians to roam stress-free. There are plenty of snapshots of the real thing happening all over the world, but for now we Angelenos have dreamy what-if photo-collages to gaze upon, like the artist's rendering of a ciclovia on Sunset Blvd. above. It goes without saying that we at NSLA love visualizations. Check out even more visualizations (by Colleen Corcoran) at the official blog!

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About the Photographer

Los Angeles, CA, United States
Writer, designer, and urban planning geek.

Got a location idea or photo submission? Send it to I'll post it to the blog or even run out to shoot it myself.


Other sites by David Yoon
Personal site

Kindred Spirits
Tom Baker, LA Without Cars
James Howard Kunstler

Nicola Yoon Design
SIFT Angeles


All content © David Yoon and Narrow Streets: Los Angeles.